The Legend, Reborn! 

You have waited long enough. Now is the time to own the experience and feel the power of the .44 AUTO MAG..


".. amongst the most iconic and awe-inspiring handguns ever to make viewer's eye widen and chins drop - there is on that sits at the very top.  The .44 Auto Mag." (Guns America)

Wide Selection of Guns

To buy a gun is to buy a piece of the manufacturer: Their passion put in the execution of the firearm, their hours of research, their craftsmanship... It is a committed, ethical act, which encourages a responsible and direct economy.

Expert Advice

Whether it is to help you choose the right gun, to confirm a choice or when you have no idea about the accessories you need, our advisers are there to accompany you throughout your purchase.

For the Auto Mag Enthusiasts

Every week our team works to build high quality guns and accessories. Some are only available for a limited period of time.

Dirty Harry's second favorite gun!

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About us

Auto Mag Ltd., Co. exists to revitalize the American classic known as the .44 Auto Mag® pistol. Since 1983, gun aficionados have been waiting for a reputable company to rebirth this symbol of cinematic, firearm, and literary history. In 2015, Auto Mag Ltd., Co. answered the call. We obtained exclusive rights to the iconic firearm, namesake, and brand. We spent six years in R&D, making over twenty improvements to the pistol. These developments enhance the gun’s reliability, safety, and ease of use. Without question, we have managed to reinforce the iconic look, feel, and value epitomized by Dirty Harry himself.

In addition to rebirthing the Auto Mag, we are pleased to produce and deliver quality parts to existing owners. We take pride in helping owners renew and refurbish pistols manufactured in the initial production runs.